The Role Of Health Insurance Advisors In Promoting The Accessibility Of Better Healthcare

Health Insurance has revolutionised the accessibility of better healthcare. This has been achieved by pooling resources from thousands of individuals and offering a more significant insured sum in exchange for small periodic premiums. 

This means that in exchange for a small sum of money as a premium, the policyholder will offer compensation or cashless claims for medical expenses they bear for covered illnesses. This has made it possible for the policyholder and their loved ones to provide the best care without worrying about the rising cost of treatment. 

A health insurance advisor is one of the most significant stakeholders in making this possible by finding potential customers, selling policies, and having them covered. 

In this article, we will explore the role of health insurance advisors in promoting the accessibility of better healthcare and more. 

Health Insurance Advisor

What is a Health Insurance Advisor?

A licensed professional health insurance advisor sells insurance policies to potential customers. They must find prospective buyers, approach them, follow up, and trade policies based on their needs. 

They achieve this by understanding the customer's needs, showcasing their product catalogue, offering personalised recommendations based on their needs, offering financial advice, and selling policies.

What is the role of an Insurance Advisor in promoting the accessibility of better healthcare?

An agent’s role is to sell insurance to as many people as possible. This has led to a substantial portion of the country being covered by various kinds of insurance, allowing them to avail themselves of its benefits. 

  1. Financial protection from medical emergencies.
  2. Ensuring availability and access to proper healthcare services. 
  3. Insurance providers have various preventative and wellness campaigns to ensure the well-being of the policyholder, such as free health checkups.
  4. Some insurance providers offer cashless claims at networked hospitals, allowing cashless treatment. 
  5. No claims bonus is a benefit where not availing a claim will offer discounts or benefits in the subsequent year of being insured. 

What is the importance of health insurance?

The importance of health insurance is today more apparent than ever before. This is because, today, India is a country with one of the highest numbers of individuals suffering from critical illnesses. This, along with the rising cost of treatment, has made it necessary to avail health insurance at all times. 

Not only is health insurance in India one of the most affordable worldwide, but it is also comprehensive enough to offer significant protection regarding coverage to policyholders. All of this makes availing health insurance the best choice for most individuals. 

Based on my experience, Niva Bupa offers some of the best policies that cover critical illnesses, allowing me to rest easily so that my family’s health is cared for and looked after. 


Health insurance advisors play a considerable role in promoting and propagating quality healthcare. Not only has insurance increased accessibility to better healthcare, but it ensures that you are protected from the rising treatment costs and can avail of quality healthcare without worrying about being unable to pay hospital bills.

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